Noah" God you told me the whole earth and I come over the hill and I lost my mind, people,pyramids,women,animals I have never seen before,WTH.
GOD: I told you, YOUR world. Who do you think your grandkids will marry, their cousins?
when was that flood?.
what i don't understand is this, people who make these kinds of discovers still believe in the bible(flood).
apparently egypt was destroyed in the flood and they forgot to mention it or folks were having a lot of babies and rebuiiled egypt in record time.
Noah" God you told me the whole earth and I come over the hill and I lost my mind, people,pyramids,women,animals I have never seen before,WTH.
GOD: I told you, YOUR world. Who do you think your grandkids will marry, their cousins?
the bible is designed to be understood by those who are humble and willing to learn.
jesus said to his father: “i publicly praise you, father, lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.” (luke 10:21) the bible is written in such a way that only those with the right attitude would understand its message.
people with a proud attitude—a common trait of “wise and intellectual ones”—tend to misunderstand the bible.
That's why the WT is against higher eduction, I get it now.
when was that flood?.
what i don't understand is this, people who make these kinds of discovers still believe in the bible(flood).
apparently egypt was destroyed in the flood and they forgot to mention it or folks were having a lot of babies and rebuiiled egypt in record time.
OK you know where I'm going with this. When was that flood?
What I don't understand is this, people who make these kinds of discovers still believe in the Bible(flood). Apparently Egypt was destroyed in the flood and they forgot to mention it or folks were having a lot of babies and rebuiiled Egypt in record time. Maybe a lot of miracle babies, like Jesus.
a few weeks ago, i was chatting with a brother who is well into his 80’s.
he went to college, got his bachelor’s degree and was a school teacher for many years.
during that time, he was an elder in his congregation, had many privileges and cared for his young family.
Proverbs 14;15 "A fool will believe any thing, smart people watch their step". I think I will show this to the next JW that knock on my door and see what they think.
a few weeks ago, i was chatting with a brother who is well into his 80’s.
he went to college, got his bachelor’s degree and was a school teacher for many years.
during that time, he was an elder in his congregation, had many privileges and cared for his young family.
The turbulent 60's most of the brothers that became JW were college educated or had some college experience. That is what impressed me about the religion, but most of those men left years ago. This was the case in my area.My sister started witnesses to me while I was in Viet Nam and began a study with my wife, so my wife was on her way to become a JW when I returned. I went to college after getting out of the Army and do not recall any heat from the Elders, maybe because I was new.
its kind of interesting that most religious leaders develop and established their own power on their on volition then calculating set out to lure in others to succumb and abide to that established power .
back in 1919 the then president of the watchtower publishing house j rutherford proclaimed that god had chosen him and the publishing house in which he was the chief editor of.. his devised and calculated doctrines were to be upheld by all without question or critical evaluation, same is true to the gb members to date, they are to obeyed and the ones who do join this religious organization are commanded to make a vow of allegiance to those men during baptism proceedings.
those who do not abide to these men's rules are kicked out the organization and punished for their disobedience and lack of subjective loyalty.
The GB think their Sh--t don't stink, haven't pulled their heads out of their asses long enough to smell the difference.
i have no idea.... .
any ideas will help.... .
May the birds of paradise fly up your nose--Little Jimmy Dickens
I wonder if this guy a ex-JW.
May the bird of paradise fly up your nose. May an elephant caress you with his toes. May your wife be plagued with runners in her hose.May the bird of paradise fly up your nose. LOL
as if anymore proof were needed that what used to be the religion i was baptized into has ceased to exist i was asked this insane question, when i mentioned to a jdub that someone i knew was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
are they witnesses?".
i didn't used to really think about that insane question in the past, but now that i have woke up to ttatt it is glaringly obvious that they think there can be no chance of actually knowing and getting along with anyone outside their tiny circle of conditional friends.
I was ask to meet with the Minsters in my city for breakfast once a week.
Of course I turned the invitation down and they never ask me why.
I'am so happy they never ask why, because I would have told them you are Minsters for
Satan and they would have kicked me out of town.
the last kh i attended, (faded) was built in 2014. there are no windows anywhere, although the front doors are glass.
it's nothing but a brown brick rectangle, as nondescript as possible as well.. any thoughts about why?.
VI: If the talks were interesting you wouldn't get distracted. I was told the same.
can all indoctrination leave a person , or does it linger in background till death..
You are 40 years old and your Mom and Dad sit you down and tell you, you were adopted.
We are not your mom and dad and we have no idea who your parents are. The same feeling
for me...So now I must find my identity....